The Wingmate Pro breathalyser offers quick and accurate BAC results so you can test yourself anywhere, anytime.
Equipped with a smart fuel cell sensor, lightweight and compact design, and dual colour backlight with clear display and warnings, the Wingmate Pro will be your favourite companion on a night out.
High Accuracy Fuel Cell Sensor provide the reliable reading of test result, giving most accurate test result and peace of mind. Unlike the predecessor sensor 'semi conductor', Fuel Cell sensor does not produce false positive.
Australian Standard AS3547 certified breathalyser. Wingmate Pro is certified industry standard personal breathalyser that get the stamp of approval with AS3547 and is design for the Australian market.
3 Years Manufacturer Warranty is a manufacturer assurance of the product quality and durability. Receive extended warranty when the device is calibrated regularly by Andatech.
3 Decimal Place Reading help gives better indication during test, e.g. if test result show high reading like 0.04 the last decimal point will give more indication whether it is close to the threshold or still in the lower reading such as 0.049 or 0.041.
Quality Assurance & Service - Establish since 2005 Andatech is a leading brand established in Australia for Alcohol testing devices for industrial / workplace and personal professional device. Reliable after sales support, warranty and calibration centres are the reason why Andatech is the most sought after brand for Alcohol testing device for Personal and/or Workplace HR.
Fuel Cell Sensor
The Wingmate Pro breathalyser features a fuel cell sensor for reliable, alcohol-specific readings
Reliable and Accurate
Provides 3 decimal place BAC readings that are accurate to +/-0.005%BAC.
Personal Breathalyser
Compact and lightweight design.
Certified to Australian Standards AS3547
Tested and certified to rigorous Australian Standards for reliability and quality.